Where can I get it?
Right now, the best place for a beginner to get it is from an exchange on the internet. Coinbase.com currently seems to be the most popular. You can also trade currencies on Poloniex.com.
So what?
Bitcoin is the most well-known digital currency, but now there are hundreds of competing digital currencies available, and more are being created by entrepreneurs. Each has its own purported purpose or gimmick. Some are more secure, faster to transact, or integrated as part of a product or service. For instance, PotCoin, is attempting to be the go-to digital currency for buyers and sellers of legal cannabis. Steemit is a blogging-style social network, like Reddit, but with one major difference: it pays both content creators and curators in Steemit digital currency for popular content. Bitcoin itself may not be the best at everything, but it is the most popular. So while there is a market cap of how many Bitcoin will exist, at 21 million, there are infinite competing digital currency options.
While the technology is relatively new, one thing is for sure, digital currencies are not going away, and you will likely use one much sooner than you think.
Spurgeon Appraisals regularly appraises a variety of property types. We have experience appraising farms, residences, and commercial properties. We pride ourselves on providing excellent customer service and quality appraisals. Contact our team to see how we can meet your appraisal needs and exceed your service expectations.