To help avoid this misunderstanding and save our customers money, we advise lenders to ask their clients a few questions, before contacting the appraiser for a final inspection.
-Are there rooms that still need carpet, trim, or lights?
-In the kitchen, have all countertops and cabinets been installed?
-If the house has a second story, have all the walls and fixtures been installed up there?
-If the house is meant to have a finished basement, have all basement walls and fixtures been installed?
-Has all work been completed for garages, decks, and porches?
The professionals here at Spurgeon Appraisals care about providing quality appraisal work in a timely, affordable manner. Call us today to experience our top-notch service first-hand.
Spurgeon Appraisals regularly appraises a variety of property types. We have experience appraising farms, residences, and commercial properties. We pride ourselves on providing excellent customer service and quality appraisals. Contact our team to see how we can meet your appraisal needs and exceed your service expectations.